DHG Imóveis: How to create a funnel and increase sales by 210%.

About the brand

DHG Real Estate is a real estate company located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, which operates in the property market since 2010. The company offers real estate buying, selling, and renting services, as well as real estate consulting services for its clients.


DHG Real Estate faced a challenge common to many real estate agents: finding an efficient way to generate leads and turn them into clients. Besides, the real estate market in Belo Horizonte was highly competitive, which made it even more difficult to stand out and win clients.

Days before the launch of the lots, we started to publicize the campaign. Sales came from digital leads and relationship leads from our team. No doubt the digital effort and investment has paid off.

Daniel Garutti

Director and founder of DHG Imóveis.


To overcome these challenges, DHG Imóveis adopted a strategy of creating a sales funnel, which consisted of creating a structured process for capturing leads and nurturing them until they became clients. The company invested in digital marketing, with ad campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads, as well as creating a blog with relevant content about the real estate market and tips for real estate buyers and sellers.


DHG Imóveis’ strategy gave expressive results: the company increased its sales by 210% after the creation of the sales funnel. The strategy allowed the company to capture more leads, maintain contact with them more efficiently, and offer solutions tailored to their needs. As a result, DHG Imóveis was able to overcome the competition and consolidate itself as one of the main real estate agencies in Belo Horizonte.