

WiseHome, by
João Appolinário, achieves a
30X return on franchise expansion.


New franchises on 2023




Lead Aquisition

WiseHome: Brand Strategy

WiseHome, a leader in home automation, rose to the challenge of IoT, attracted investment from João Appolinário on Shark Tank Brazil, and is the largest network in the country. The company enables any ordinary home to become high-tech in record time, offering more security, technology, ambiance, and personalization.

Providing intelligent technology solutions for homes, focusing on practicality, efficiency, and security, WiseHome is recognized for offering innovative and high-quality products for home automation.

Marketing strategy

In order to expand WiseHome’s franchise network and open new units throughout Brazil, we ran around 4 fully coordinated campaigns a year. 

Our main strategy was to explore the visibility earned through Shark Tank in order to boost our funnel and capture qualified leads.

Brand Management

One of our main challenges was to develop simple, efficient, informative, and contemporary communication directed towards both end customers and franchisees.

Besides, we developed an effective Onboarding strategy for the network to facilitate the adaptation of new franchisees and instruct them on how to keep their marketing updated.

Numbers talk

  • Consolidation of WiseHome as Top of Mind in its sector in Brazil
  • 90% reduction in service calls related to marketing  department.
  • 36 franchises sold in a year
  • 29x ROI on the investment.

Project managed
by La Torre Marketing


Matheus Schmidt

Account Manager

Brunna Souza


Alan Diego


Livia Gurgel

Guilherme Zózimo


Ana Oliveira